NOTE: SEASON FINALE of AMERICAN IDOL is on 20th (performances) and 21st (results)
It is on the top 2 now, and I am very sorry I never was able to post about Jason Castro before he got voted off. :(
So I used to really like to watch American Idol. Currently, it comes on every Tuesday and Wednesday night from 8 to 9 on Tuesdays and from 9 to 10 on Wednesdays The first night are the performances and the last night is the results show.
The Top 2 are:
- David Cook (a very talented performer, a bit on the rocky side)
- David Archuleta (the so-called "little boy" [17 years old] that everyone loves and sings most everything)
He stayed happy throughout the show, even when he found out he was going home. To watch the results show for that night, go to www.youtube.com and search for Jason Castro.

I bought several of his songs (the studio versions are much better than the performances most times I think b/c of the nervousness of being on stage) and they are:
Daydream (LIVE)- Top 24
If I Fell (the most amazing song ever)- Top 12
Michelle- Top 11
Fragile- Top 10
Over the Rainbow(also an awesome song)- Top 8
I Don't Wanna Cry (much different than the original)- Top 7
Forever In Blue Jeans- Top 5
Mr. Tambourine Man- Top 4
Read this article: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/features/5765629.html
to hear Jason's thoughts about the show and about him getting off.
I have also bought the video version of If I Fell and Daydream and plan on buying several other songs and videos sometime. Check him out. And be looking for a CD to come out eventually, as he is very talented.
And for the record, Jason is a Christian as well.....